
*Solar Fundraiser: Help HERD Go Solar



Help us to keep the lights and power on through intermittent electricity outages in South Africa by supporting our Solar Project.

You can donate to help take HERD elephant orphanage off-grid. We are working with a local company to power HERD Trust operations through solar energy, so that we are not dependent on expensive and interruptive national Eskom power, which is frequently subjected to load-shedding. Forced blackouts are implemented to prevent overloading the national power grid when energy demand exceeds production. This leaves HERD in the dark and without reliable communication systems.

Electricity is vital for many aspects of our operation, including:

  • Lights and electric fencing for the Homestead & Orphanage
  • Orphanage kitchen for milk formula production
  • Orphanage facilities during day and night for calves
  • Carer accommodation, providing comfort, safety and visibility as they watch over the herd at night
  • Communication through radios and phones plus spotlights
  • Pumping of water for bana grass, dams, orphanage, homestead and drinking water
  • Pressure washer for cleaning the homestead

The cost of using diesel for our generators during load-shedding is very high. By utilising solar energy, we are not only lowering the cost but also the carbon footprint on our reserve and earth. The benefit of going solar is also the amount HERD Trust will be able to save on energy expenses in the future.

More information or Donation options on our Solar Campaign page here – Solar Campaign | HERD

Blog available about our Solar Campaign on the following link A Safe Space for Elephants, Day and Night | HERD

Note: Items will not be shipped but purchased locally with your donation. You will receive a digital donation certificate from our team through e-mail.

We appreciate your support! The HERD Team


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