We have partnered with GlobalGiving in the USA to help donors make safe and easy US tax-deductible donations. Donations through GlobalGiving are tax-deductible in the US, or UK taxpayers can give in GBP and claim an extra 25% if Gift Aid eligible.



If you would like to donate by check, GlobalGiving can assist in processing it.

How to send a check:

  1. Make checks payable to GlobalGiving.
  2. On the memo line, please write the Organisation ID and Project ID / Project Name.
  3. Our ORGANISATION ID is #97925
  4. If you would like to get email updates on the project, please also note your email address.

Address to send it:

1 Thomas Circle NW
Suite 800
Washington, DC 20005

*Please note GlobalGiving deducts a 7% support fee and a further 3% third-party transaction fee on all donations via their platform.

Donate Here

Elephant Tales Blog

Want to hear the latest and greatest stories about what the elephants are up to? No two days are the same, and they always amaze us with their distinctive personalities and acceptance of one another. Follow us this way for all the latest stories of what’s happening at HERD.