At HERD, we are constantly moved by the outpouring of kindness and generosity from our supporters. It is through this unwavering support that we can continue caring for the Jabulani herd, restoring the environment they thrive in and uplifting the communities that surround us. Every donation, no matter the size, highlights the power of collective compassion and the positive change we can create together.

In this blog post, we take a moment to reflect on the recent contributions that have significantly impacted our work. We are deeply thankful for each and every one. Your support truly makes a difference, and we are incredibly grateful!

Full Tummies

A VERY BIG thank you to SOLEIL SITRUS for their amazing and continuous support in donating a variety of Oranges, Pomelos, and grapefruit to the Jabulani HERD during the month of July. As it is a dry time of the year, we are extremely grateful for the additional elephant feed supporting the elephants.

Thank you to MIAMA CANNERS for donating and delivering a bakkie load of cabbage for our elephants during July. Your support is so much appreciated!

Thank you to BENICA FARMS for donating and delivering 40 x Broccoli heads to our elephants during August. We appreciate your support!

Essential Daily Operation

A VERY BIG thank you to ELAN DISTRIBUTORS and THE FRIDGE FACTORY WAREHOUSE for donating Two Fridges for the elephant orphanage to store daily orphan milk. Thank you so much for also branding the fridges with our HERD Logo.

A BIG Thank you to MARIEL FONTAINE and VETBOOKS FOR AFRICA Team for donating a Samsung Washing Machine to HERD.

Thank you to KYRON LABORATORIES for donating a box of seven DigestEaze for our elephant orphanage.

Thank you to FLEURES HONEY for donating 2kg of Honey for our orphan Milk.

Special Projects & Gifts

Thank you to NITA SMITH, MARSHA DANIELZ, AND SUSANDRA SWART for making and donating 50 x Little Mhambi’s to HERD to sell in our online shop. We are hereby raising funds for HERD.

Thank you to NITA SMITH, MARSHA DANIELZ, AND THE TORNADO PARK OLD AGE HOME CRAFT LADIES for making and donating 37 Little Mhambis to HERD to sell in our online shop. The funds received are then used to buy daily essential items.

Thank you to AUDREY NESER for making a special South African flag blanket for Khanyisa. The blanket will also be shared with the school children at Xilaveko Day Care to sleep on when they are at the Day Care.

Thank you to ANDREA STERLING for donating a special blanket from a Native American Gift Shop for Phabeni. We will keep it save to use for future orphans that needs our support.

Thank you to ELIZABETH ERASMUS for donating a blanket for our orphanage to use for elephant calves.

Thank you to KARIN MOLLER for donating a Horse Belt to wrap around our elephant orphanage blankets.

Thank you to LIV STANG and all ANONYMOUS donors who continue to support our carer phone project and sending phones when possible for our carers.

Thank you to CLAUDINE LECOMTE for donating a blender all the way from France for our orphange kitchen and milk formula.

Thank you to Cynthia Govender from LINEN EXCELLENCE for donating 28 Fleece Blankets for our elephant orphanage.

Thank You to PVM for donating 3 boxes of energy bars for our carers to enjoy when out in the bush with the elephants.

Community Development Projects

A BIG thank you to NTT TOYOTA HOEDSPRUIT for their ongoing partnership and support in donating 50% of the costs for the Nkosi bars during 2024. Nkosi bars are handed out three times a week to children in Grade 1 at the Jameyana Primary School for nutrition support.

A BIG Thank You to FREIGHT CARE LOGISTICS for their ongoing partnership and support in ensuring that the Nkosi Bars are delivered to the school children every month. Freight Care Logistics donated towards the courier cost monthly from Johannesburg to Hoedspruit for all the Nkosi Bar boxes!

Thank you to RENEE TAKESUE for donating six children’s books, a Silicon Spoon, and a box of plastic spoons for Xilaveko Day Care.

Donations and Adoptions

A SPECIAL THANK YOU to each person and organisation who donated towards HERD Trust and adopted an elephant between January – July 2024. This also includes donations towards our Ele-Essential Wishlist and campaigns. We rely on incredible people like you to keep us going. Every cent count, and no contribution is too small. The donations and adoptions we receive contribute to the day-to-day care of the elephant and operational costs at HERD.

Thank you to all our incredible donors who donate on YouTube through Super Thanks! We are so grateful for each contribution.

The list below contains donors alphabetically who donated more than $500 USD during this time.

  • A Cocuzzo  
  • A De Beer
  • A De Raay
  • A Fermin
  • A Fuller
  • A Gerten
  • A Gotthardt
  • A Pohl
  • A Post
  • A Sterling
  • A Venter
  • A Vergos
  • Animal Survival International
  • B Aspero
  • B Ghenne
  • B Keys
  • B MacDougald
  • B Perkins
  • B Wiese
  • Ben Van Hool (Izindlovu)
  • Benevity Supporters
  • C Adams
  • C Aspero
  • C Bearman
  • C Castle
  • C Clarke
  • C Connor
  • C Dobbertien
  • C Embry
  • C Fallah
  • C Fejes
  • C Govender
  • C Hafner
  • C Hall (Henley House)
  • C Johnson
  • C Jones
  • C Lecomte
  • C McCreary
  • C Mitchell
  • C Parris
  • C Rhodes
  • C Sanger
  • C Seiler
  • C Stolz
  • C Williams Aspero
  • D Atwaterr
  • D De Tour
  • D Ebright
  • D Harrington
  • D Miller
  • D Moore
  • D Overton
  • D Turner
  • E Allen
  • E Christ
  • E Cohen
  • E Grant
  • G Kollat
  • I Strydom
  • J & K Walter
  • J Aihara
  • J Bellringer
  • J Cornelius
  • J Demetriades
  • J Franklin
  • J Gould
  • J Hickman
  • J Konopka
  • J Mok
  • J Oliva
  • J Osborne
  • J Parish
  • J Spesak
  • James T Nystrom Foundation
  • K Bloomfield
  • K Emery
  • K Kaminsky
  • K Malyon (Mammoth Ride)
  • K Ockenfels
  • K Sakhrani
  • K Scarboro
  • K Thompson
  • K Vandevander
  • King Baudouin Foundation
  • L Carmean
  • L Curtin
  • L De Muijnck
  • L Hillborh
  • L Handler
  • L Hogan
  • L Howard
  • L Mulder
  • L Redwood-Kahn
  • L Roberts
  • L Yanai
  • M Beller
  • M Brusuelas
  • M Eugeni
  • M Gross
  • M Helt
  • M Lutz
  • M MacNabb
  • M McGowan
  • M Petrario
  • M Recchia
  • M Schips
  • M Sincavage
  • M Stewart
  • M Tim
  • M Wyss
  • My School Supporters
  • N Bryant
  • N Fernandez
  • N Sunassee
  • N Walker
  • N Wilkie
  • National Christian Foundation Rocky Mountains The Ellison Legacy Foundation Fund
  • Our Africa.Travel
  • P Alexander
  • P Augustine
  • P Hicks
  • P Horn
  • P Linton
  • Personal Africa
  • R Allen
  • R Emmert
  • R Franklin
  • R Johns
  • R Takesue
  • R Van Vliet
  • Reclaimed Earth Volunteers
  • S Cherrier
  • S Coila
  • S Fastnaught
  • S Gabriel
  • S Gambles
  • S House
  • S Keene
  • S Larson
  • S Rankin
  • S Ritter
  • S Shafer
  • S Simpson
  • S Thoms
  • S Waddacor
  • T Anderson
  • T Davids
  • T De Beer
  • T Hamilton
  • T Mersentes
  • T Rothwell
  • T Trott
  • T Williams
  • The Charities Aid Foundation
  • V Kirkpatrick
  • W De Kruif
  • W Mok
  • Z Hedge
  • Z Rutherford

Note: If your name appears on this blog and you would like for us to remove or change it, please get in touch with us at or

Ongoing Elle-Champions

THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF OUR HEARTS to all our partners, adoption parents, donors, followers, friends, and supporters for your continuous support! Every contribution, regardless of size, helps us look after the elephants and do what we do! You are incredible, and we are so grateful for your support and for having you on this beautiful journey with us!

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  1. What incredible donations! This shows how much HERD is loved and appreciated. Thank you for everything you do. You are all AMAZING!

Help Save Our Vulnerable Gentle Giants

We rely on incredible people like you to keep us going. Every cent counts, and no contribution is too small. HERD relies on public funding to cover the operational costs to care for and support elephant orphans and the rescued herd, so we really appreciate your support.