“You can teach a student a lesson for a day; but if you can teach him to learn by creating curiosity, he will continue the learning process as long as he lives.” – Clay P. Bedford

We are happy to report back on our community work at HERD Trust.  

On our recent visit to Jemeyana Primary School, formerly known as Mpisi Primary School, we delivered new boxes of Nkosi Super Bars to very eager young students. In South Africa, we have begun the second quarter of the school term, following a two-week holiday and the students need all the extra fuel and nutrition that they can get. Read more about our Nkosi Bar programme here >

During the month of March, the HERD team and conservations students joined a local youth-led organisation called Lessons in Conservation and the Jemeyana school students for activities at the school and on the ground at HERD.

Twenty children from the school joined us for these learning activities and it was clear that they truly enjoyed every moment. It gives us immense joy and a sense of purpose to be able to engage with and give back to our community in different and important ways, and to show new generations the value of conservation.  

Together, we engaged in different games that shed light on key conservation issues like recycling, water usage, the prevention of water wastage, and the effects of poaching with a particular focus on how damaging a snare placed in the bush can be to humans and animals. Specially designed games and interactive lessons helped the pupils to understand the subjects better and kept them motivated and wanting to learn more.

Kids in the Wilderness

It is the students in the communities around nature reserves like ours at HERD who will be the next generation responsible for caring for our country’s natural and wildlife areas. Many of the children in these areas have never visited the reserves around them, nor had the opportunity to witness the beauty of nature in person. On their visit to HERD, the young learners were able to view many animals on their drive into and out of the reserve. They also met three of the bull elephants in our rescued herd, including Sebakwe, Somopane and Jabulani. While they were nervous at first, the students slowly gained confidence and relaxed into this unique opportunity to witness elephants up close.

This is the second year that we have had the privilege to be part of this important project, and in the future, we are looking to assist Lessons in Conservation with the work they do by running the lessons throughout the year so that more pupils at the school can benefit from these opportunities.  

Little Gardeners

In 2021, we implemented an on-campus vegetable garden at the Jemeyana school, providing daily nutritional and economic support for the school. The vegetable garden teaches the pupils how to grow food and how to utilise the produce effectively in the kitchen. The garden includes a row of young fruit trees which will soon be providing delicious, healthy fruits for the learners to enjoy throughout the day. Planning is underway for work that needs to be continued in the vegetable garden. We have found a teacher who will take care of the garden even during the school holidays which is an exciting new development as the gardens need to be maintained constantly. The fruit trees are doing well at this stage and have even produced a crop of mangoes for the school.  

Thank you for all your support for our community school initiative and for helping us to build strong little learners who will become our next generation of conservation custodians.  

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  1. What a wonderful program. And, you are correct. It is important to address the children’s health first while supporting their education. Not only by providing the meal bars but also introducing them to nutritional, gardening, wildlife & community topics & projects while young will benefit them throughout their lives… and, hopefully, will inspire a lifelong curiosity & respect for the human, animal & plant world around them. Maybe even one or more of them will someday choose a career with HERD! 🙂

Help Save Our Vulnerable Gentle Giants

We rely on incredible people like you to keep us going. Every cent counts, and no contribution is too small. HERD relies on public funding to cover the operational costs to care for and support elephant orphans and the rescued herd, so we really appreciate your support.