Every elephant needs a herd. As a species, their strong family bonds and delicate social dynamics are integral to their wellbeing and survival. Because of this, orphaned elephant calves have a slim chance of survival in the wild. HERD’s elephant orphanage in South Africa gives them a fighting chance by stepping in as their family and protectors when they need it most. You can help us give them a second chance at life...


Number of elephants in the herd


Jobs created through the orphanage


Orphans in the herd

Help Save Our Vulnerable Gentle Giants

We rely on incredible people like you to keep us going. Every cent counts, and no contribution is too small. HERD relies on public funding to cover the operational costs to care for and support elephant orphans and the rescued herd, so we really appreciate your support.

elephant of the week



Named after a river in South Africa that flows past Kapama, Klaserie was born on 23 February 2007, to Setombe. She is the second calf to be born to the Jabulani herd, and came into the world just six months after Limpopo was born. Klaserie is a very relaxed and easy-going young female elephant, always taking things in her stride. The bond she has with her mother, Setombe, is very special, and no doubt where she gets her soft demeanor from. Like mother, like daughter, food plays a very important role in their days. Both of them can never get enough and never know when to stop.






South Africa


Setombe: mother


South Africa’s Need for an Elephant Orphanage

HERD is the First Dedicated South African Elephant Orphanage. The unfortunate truth is that there are an ever-increasing number of orphaned and displaced elephant calves in South Africa. This is linked to the rising poaching numbers, taking mothers away from their calves before they can fend for themselves in the wild. And that’s where HERD comes in, acting as their unique adoptive family to help raise them in a safe environment.

Our Story
Phabeni and Herman

Raise Funds for HERD

Be a champion to the HERD elephants by hosting a third-party fundraising event to aid HERD Trust. Give your time and resources to help spread the word about elephant orphans, rehabilitation and integrations. The funds you raise will directly go to our initiatives and make a vital difference to the herd and elephant conservation.

Partners (1)

Donation Partners

You can support HERD by purchasing items from our various cause marketing partners or become one of our donation partners by setting up a monthly contribution to support the HERD elephants.

Meet Our Partners
HERD Khanyisa milk

Meet our Team

Our carers are the real behind-the-scenes superheroes. It’s not a job to them, but a calling, and they step in as our elephants’ “human herd” to help them, from the initial rescue operation, to feeding and monitoring them, as well as stepping in swiftly when they’re in need. Our carers lovingly nurture and protect our elephants around the clock to ensure their wellbeing.

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Want to hear the latest and greatest stories about what the elephants are up to? No two days are the same, and they always amaze us with their distinctive personalities and acceptance of one another. Follow us this way for all the latest stories of what’s happening at HERD.