Let us summarise what we’ve learnt about our new little family member at HERD. Precious Phabeni has a will of his own and a character that is so different to Khanyisa and other orphans we’ve cared for. He is an individual and as the days pass, we are getting to know and love him more and more. Getting to better understand him helps us to give him the support he needs. So what have we learnt about this little calf so far? Take a look below.

10 Facts About Phabeni

  1. He is a typical bull, distinctively bullish/male, very active, athletic, pushy, feisty, and stubborn.
  2. He was rescued at the same estimated age as Khanyisa and Jabulani.
  3. He sleeps about 7-9 hours a day now on average, sometimes less.
  4. He was likely born in the month of July, a Cancerian baby.
  5. He likes napping among the reeds, like a little Moses. It seems to calm him.
  6. He is already very attached to his carers.
  7. He snores.
  8. He gets a fright easily and does not like surprises. He is still getting to know and trust us and his surroundings and is very particular about where he allows us to touch him. He seems more reluctant to allow touch on his stomach area but is happy with his trunk being played with.
  9. He did not like Lammie at all in the beginning and the two were separated in different nurseries overnight. Lammie stayed out of this way but slowly they are growing on each other, and Lammie has even followed on some walks with Phabeni. He doesn’t chase her anymore.
  10. He has beautiful eyes that speak volumes, and a tongue that looks so pink next to his dark skin.

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  1. even tho it has been 4 years since the last little one—-your staff and you haven’t forgotten much—-kudos all around to everyone involved…….

  2. Hello all you wonderful people and love to all the Jabulani elephant herd! I stumbled onto your videos on YouTube and have been glued to Phabeni’s progress. I am in prayer to know his progress is inevitable as a whole and healthy spiritual idea of our loving Creator – as are all the orphans and all in the herd. Wishing you all a happy New Year and knowing you will see much progress for your rescue, the herd and the elephants in Africa.
    With warmest regards,
    Delia Coates
    Ontario, Canada

  3. I am so happy Phabeni and Kanyshia
    You all put your whole heart into helping them
    I am so happy I found you HERD and all the beautiful Ellies

  4. I like how he only has one ear stick out. The careers and Adobe are so dedicated.
    Adine I think you should put those silver bracelets that you wear in the shop. I’m sure the ladies would grab them up I know I would.t
    There the one’s that are silver and a. inch of them together.

  5. So adorable just want to hug him and listen to him snore which would be hilarious to hear i guess they get super tuckered out being youngsters just like children do! 🐘💞🦋

  6. I”I wish there were more videos of Phabeni, like the ones with Khanysia. I adore the baby elephant and I’d love to adopt or donate to support his care, but unfortunately, I’m not able to. Nevertheless, I truly admire Phabeni’s feisty attitude and resilience. May God bless Adine and all the carers for the Herd.”” I am looking forward to more videos of the fiesty baby elephant.

  7. What a blessing HERD is to Ellie orphans, past and present! Thank you for all you do Adine, you and the HERD Carers, I have so much respect for each of you. I love the work you are doing and so grateful that the orphans are so loved and well taken care of. God Bless you one and all. ❤️🐘❤️🐘❤️

  8. I have fell in love with baby boy Phabeni since the beginning! I have watched from day one. I truly love what you all are doing there and have great agape and devotion for you all. I wish I could be there to help every day. I will be with you if I can and even if it is only through any means I am able and cheering you on daily. My sincere prayers for every member of the herd starting with Jabulani all the way down to sweet bull baby Phabeni. My prayers and love go out to all the wonderful carers doing such a lovely work; their devotion is exemplary!! And to you Adine, you have a heart like mine❣️ All my 56 years, have been for the love and care, and when needed rescuing God’s wonderful animals. Stay healthy and well in the good work you are doing❣️❣️ And I’m quite happy you are going solar, yay 🎉 With a warm and sincere heart, your friend, Elle

  9. What wonderful work you’re doing there helping and protecting these magnificent animals I love Phabeni! I look forward to watching the videos of all the elephants. I made a donation. I hope that others will as well to support you. Thank you for taking care of these beautiful elephants, big and small. ❤️

Help Save Our Vulnerable Gentle Giants

We rely on incredible people like you to keep us going. Every cent counts, and no contribution is too small. HERD relies on public funding to cover the operational costs to care for and support elephant orphans and the rescued herd, so we really appreciate your support.